Tag: Bunting

  • Backyard Bottlebrush

    Backyard Bottlebrush

    We’ve been fortunate the past few years to have some beautiful visitors come to our bird feeders. The painted buntings are marvels. The males are some of the most colorful birds we see. Their combination of a deep blue head, green back and bright red breast and belly is stunning. Even the females are distinctively colored. Their overall hue is green with a yellowish tint on their bellies while their shoulders and wings have a wash of teal.

    Painted Bunting Female Resting In Shade Of Bottlebrush
    Painted Bunting Female Resting in the Shade of a Bottlebrush Shrub

    They are often timid when first coming to the feeder but eventually gain confidence and don’t get scared as easily. It can be very difficult to snap a good photo because they like to work their way to the feeder from the bushes and are often obstructed until they hop out to feed. They prefer caged feeders which is not good for pictures. This year we have a palm warbler who likes to chase the male bunting. I was lucky to be in the right spot at the right time to capture the photo below. The warbler was chasing the bunting and he landed out in the open just long enough for me to fire off a few quick shots.

    Palm Warbler Resting On Bottlebrush Limb
    Palm Warbler Resting on a Bottlebrush Limb

    Painted buntings are one of the most sought-after birds for photographers visiting Florida. We are blessed to enjoy them from October through March.

    Painted Bunting Male Perched On Bottlebrush Limb
    Male Painted Bunting Resting on the Top of a Bottlebrush Limb

    For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

  • More Buntings

    More Buntings

    We visited one of the local nature preserves a few days ago just to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. To our surprise, we found a bunch of indigo buntings along with a single male painted bunting. We thought maybe they had started their journey north for the summer but to our delight, they’re still here. We were even able to get some shots of males that have finished their molting into full color.

    Indigo Bunting Male On Branch
    Male Indigo Bunting on the End of a Branch

    Our backyard painted buntings are also still here. Yesterday we saw multiple males and the lone female at the feeder. We keep hoping that they’ll decide to forego the northern travel and stay here for nesting season! They have been so fun to watch over the past 6 months.

    For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

  • Backyard Bunting

    Backyard Bunting

    2020 was a good year for at least one thing. I put my bird feeder up in late October and attracted a male painted bunting in full color in early November. To our delight, he has stayed with us since his initial visit. I have been on a mission to get a photo of him when he is NOT on the feeder. After almost 2 months, I finally succeeded!

    Painted Bunting Male On Millet Feeder
    Male Painted Bunting on the Feeder Eating Millet Seeds

    For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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