Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Indigo Bunting Eating Seagrape Leaves

As the end of 2023 approaches, it’s time to reflect on the past year. Although I didn’t get out as much as in years past, some of the photo opportunities were amazing. In February we located a bird that I had never seen in the wild. In fact, in 2022 we drove over 3 hours […]

All Quiet on the Posting Front

Izzy Laying Down In Back Yard

The past several months has been a quiet period for getting out in nature. We had been focusing all our energies on our beloved and precious 4-legged girl Izzy. Sadly, she passed. Just a few weeks shy of her 14th birthday. We lost her best friend, Gabby, back in October and Izzy was never the […]

A Long Autumn

Gabby On Outdoor Furniture

It’s been 3 months since my last post and a lot has happened. September began with a bout of Covid for Pam and me. As soon as we started to feel better, Mother Nature sent us hurricane Ian. We spent the last week of September making preparations for the storm and then spent the first […]

Gallery Updates

Seashells On Beach Along Atlantic Ocean

We’re making some updates to the photo galleries. The old method used to upload photos seems to have gone a little crazy, so we have to reconfigure a few things. The good news is we have a new and better solution, and the galleries will be reappearing over the next day. We’ve received several requests […]

Ducks Unlimited Milestone

American Widgeon Male Blasting Off From Water

I apologize for getting a little “political” but one thing I learned years ago is that the vast, vast majority of sportsmen and sportswomen are more concerned with actually doing something about the environment than our government. Maybe the best example of this is the Ducks Unlimited organization. The attached article highlights the efforts that […]

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