Day: June 11, 2023

  • Audubon Bird Count

    Audubon Bird Count

    Over the holidays, I joined my friend Art Nadelman for the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. The event takes place across all North America and parts of South America. This was the 123rd Christmas Bird Count. We were assigned a specific area to record.

    We started around 7:30 am and completed around 12:30 pm. We managed to see 1300 birds across 62 species! The most numerous birds were the robins that are migrating through the area now. We counted almost 500 and likely missed more. Many of them will stay here until early March before beginning their journey back north.

    Robin Landing In Pepper Bushes
    American Robin Landing in Brazilian Pepper Bushes

    Attached is an article about the Audubon Bird Count.

    A few more pictures from this journey are featured below. For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

  • All Quiet on the Posting Front

    All Quiet on the Posting Front

    The past several months has been a quiet period for getting out in nature. We had been focusing all our energies on our beloved and precious 4-legged girl Izzy. Sadly, she passed. Just a few weeks shy of her 14th birthday. We lost her best friend, Gabby, back in October and Izzy was never the same. Her little aging body just seemed to get worse by the day.

    She has left a gaping hole in our hearts. One that won’t likely ever be filled. The pain of losing her was staggering.

    Over the next few days, we’ll catch up with some posts from the journeys we took during the last 5 months. This is Darcy, our newest family member.

    Darcy Sleeping On Way Home
    Darcy Laying in Pam’s Lap on the Way Home
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