Day: June 2, 2022

  • Sarasota Celery Fields

    Sarasota Celery Fields

    The Celery Fields nature preserve in Sarasota is another top destination for birders and photographers on the gulf coast of Florida. It’s also a popular place for runners and walkers with a series of trails.

    From the 1920s to around 1995, the fields were used for growing celery crops which is how the area got its name. The Celery Fields is also on the Great Florida Birding Trail.

    What makes the Celery Fields so popular is the wide range of bird species. We generally see several birds of prey, wading birds, songbirds and during the winter months, many ducks. The preserve is managed by the Audubon society, and they maintain feeders which are frequently visited by nanday parakeets, red-winged blackbirds, and other songbirds.

    Bluebird Male Sitting In Small Pine Tree
    Bluebird Male Sitting in a Small Pine Tree

    The past two years, a yellow-headed blackbird has appeared at the feeders, and he stayed there for the entire winter.

    The link below provides more information about the Celery Fields.

    A few more pictures from this journey are featured below. For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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