Day: April 14, 2021

  • More Buntings

    More Buntings

    We visited one of the local nature preserves a few days ago just to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. To our surprise, we found a bunch of indigo buntings along with a single male painted bunting. We thought maybe they had started their journey north for the summer but to our delight, they’re still here. We were even able to get some shots of males that have finished their molting into full color.

    Indigo Bunting Male On Branch
    Male Indigo Bunting on the End of a Branch

    Our backyard painted buntings are also still here. Yesterday we saw multiple males and the lone female at the feeder. We keep hoping that they’ll decide to forego the northern travel and stay here for nesting season! They have been so fun to watch over the past 6 months.

    For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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