Day: October 27, 2020

  • Snail Kites

    Snail Kites

    Yesterday we endured a 2+ hour ride with hopes of finding some beautiful scissortail flycatchers. But the flycatchers apparently decided to move to a different undisclosed location. So instead of photographing flycatchers, we had the pleasure of watching and capturing some images of 3 snail kites.

    Snail Kite Female Searching For Snails
    Female Snail Kite Hovering Over the Water

    These are amazing birds that glide across shallow waters hunting for huge apple snails. They are about the size of a crow. They are native to central and south America but are only found in Florida in the US. The snail kites in Florida are now listed as endangered because of habitat loss.

    Snail Kite Female Perched On Sign
    Female Snail Kite Sits on Top of a Sign Ready to Eat Her Meal

    For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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