Tag: Nest

  • University of Florida

    University of Florida

    The University of Florida is recognized as one of the top public universities in the country. It’s also known for its highly successful athletic programs. But this year, UF also had the distinction of being home to a rare yellow cardinal.

    Yellow Cardinal Resting In Willow Tree
    Yellow Cardinal Resting in a Willow Tree

    According to most data, there are an estimated 15 million cardinals in the eastern US. But there are only a reported 10-15 yellow cardinals in that group. So, finding a yellow cardinal is literally a one-in-a-million opportunity. This year one has been living in the natural area teaching lab off Natural Area Drive. People have been traveling from all parts of Florida to find this rare bird. Thanks to some help from others, we were fortunate to find him, but he was difficult to catch out in the open. He liked the willow shrubs and often stayed in the interior areas of the shrubs making photography very challenging.

    We were also lucky enough to find a ruby-throated hummingbird nest with eggs. The female would fly off and return frequently.

    Ruby Throated Humminbird Female Resting On Nest
    Ruby-throated Hummingbird Female Resting on Her Nest

    A few more pictures from this journey are featured below. For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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