Flock Of Blue Winged Teal Flaring To Land

Wintering Waterfowl

It started off being a rather quiet year for waterfowl. No matter where we went in December and early January, the numbers seemed down from years past. But the last couple of weeks have changed everything. Not only have the number of ducks improved, but we found a couple of species that we hadn’t seen in our travels. Most notably is the northern pintail. We located a small nature preserve near Tampa Bay that the ducks liked. In addition to the pintails, we found northern shovelers, widgeons, and plenty of teal, including my favorite, a green-winged teal. Hopefully they’ll stick around for a few more weeks.

Northern Pintail Male Flying By
Male Northern Pintail Flying By

A few more pictures from this journey are featured below. For a larger selection of photos, go to the galleries listed.

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